WhatsApp Stylist

Send an image and/or question for independent, honest, qualified feedback.

Quick feedback or yes/no answers in 24 hours

  • Does this suit me?
  • Should I wear this today?
  • Should I buy this?


Do you need some quick feedback on the go? You might have come across a new garment, style or designer, but you are not sure if and how it will complement your existing sustainable wardrobe or if it will make you look best or if it will suit your build?

Send the image/ or short question for an independent, honest and qualified feedback. You will receive within 24 hours a yes/or with a short feedback answer. * Please note that a positive feedback can’t guarantee a perfect style fit for you, but it certainly can help and reduce style mistakes, waste of time, energy, money and help to train your mind on the styles that are closer to suit you and will help you to surround yourself with positivity in your suitable wardrobe.
